    • ¾ cup of dry quinoa.
    • 1 onion, diced.
    • 2 tablespoons of sesame
    • 1 tablespoon of curry
    • Spinach (about 15 ounces)
    • Black pepper, to taste.
    • 100 Gr. of whole almonds.
    • 200 grs of bread crumbs.
    • 70 Gr. of fat natural yogurt.
    • 1 Lemon.
    • 50 Gr. of fresh parsley
    • 1 garlic clove.
    • Oil.
    • Salt.


  1. Rinse the quinoa until the water drains is clear, and cook them with boiling water.
  2. In a pan sauté the sesame, curry, spinach, salt, pepper, almonds and ½ onion, diced. Once cooked, add a punch of cheese.
  3. Mix the cooked quinoa into the vegetable mixture and let it cool down. This point is very important, because if the mixture is still hot, the egg will scramble and not bind mixture.
  4. Once cooled, add 1 beaten egg and breadcrumbs until you get a soft paste that you can mold with your own hands.
  5. Form the quinoa mixture into 1.5¨balls. Coat each ball with bread crumbs, and season with salt an pepper. Brown the croquettes on all sides in a preheated pan coated lightly with oil.
  6. For the sauce, mix 1 cup of natural yogurt, squeeze the lemon, add the parsley, garlic clove, ½ onion, diced and ready!

Winemakers Advice
